Caves/tunnels for my Blue Rams


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
I am buying an 18 tall tank for my blue rams (all I can afford) and since they need territory but dont have any more side to side room, just up and down I'm doing this:

Buying some pvc pipe (big enough for the blue rams to go through) glueing on some nice smooth stones from the dollar store. at petco they have these cool suction cups with a ring on the end so I can put the pipe through the ring and suction the pipe to the walls on the upper part of the tank. This way I can save money, and they fish will (hopefully ) use the top of the new 18 gallon to establish new territory and maybe there will be less bickering! If I want to make a cave and not just a thing to go through I could glue a bigger stone on the end to make a cave.

But I dont know what is good to glue the stones on with that would stay and be safe for the fish. Can anyone tell me please?
Personally I'd use aquarium silicone, the same stuff they use to stick the glass together in most tanks.
i have a friend that did some tests on hot glue. it does not leach anything into the water once it hardens. it is basically just rubber. it does, however, not hold up that well under water. you can use hot glue to tack things together and then apply silicone, since the si takes a while to get stiff. if you seal the hot glue with the silicone there will be no contact with the water, so any worries you have anout using hot glue in your tank should be eliminated.
Aquarium silicone would be the best. If that isnt available get 100 percent silicone made by Dapp. This is perfectly safe for aquarium use, just make sure it has NO additives for fungus control.
my friend used bloody super glue once and i had him knock at my door at 3 in monring saying quick stick these fish in ur spare tank 24 friggin guppys!
you can use milliput putty type of stuff it will stick to practically anything
about 3.50 from ur l model shop
its totally safe i use it in my reeftank for sticking corals down

cheers ritch
You may want to try to run temporarily set up some pvc tubes (Like with dental floss) b4 you glue anything in to place

great idea I hope it works out for you.


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