Caves And Hiding


Jan 3, 2006
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Hello, I think i might be joining you in your little cory world :lol:

I'm in the process of setting up a 15 gallon community tank, which will hopefully contain 6 Peppered Cories. I've set up lots of caves and hiding places becasue i thought they might like them. The tank is going to be planted.

I was wondering, will they just hide all the time?

Also i was hopeing they would spawn eventually, where should i look for the eggs, on the glass?

As treats what do your cories like to eat?

As long as your corys have places to "hide" they will be very social and out-and-about. Plenty of caves and plants will make them feel comfortable so they'll be very happy swimming all around, especially in a group of 6 of the same species. I treat my corys with frozen bloodworm occasionally.
In all the years ive kept fish ive yet to see one of my Cory ever use a cave or hiding place. They are far more interested in zooming about with other fish and eating.
Well, All my Cories like to have their little shelters to go to when they are finished with their busy times. My peppers are very fond of the large mama Amazon (a foot diameter) in the middle of the tank. All the fish take shelter in it's leaves. Cories will stay out in the open if they feel secure. Some cories, like peppers, are less shy and spend more time in the open. They will venture out more if there is a nice group. With peppers four is enough, but more is better.
Thanks all

If i was to get four, what m/f ratio would be required for them to breed?
With four: 1 female, 3 males, but I suppose they would do ok with 2 'n 2. More males is better.

Oh yes, and the eggs are laid all over. Lots will get laid on the glass. But in a community tank you will need to harvest the eggs and protect them and the resulting fry.

Cories are insectevores. They lurve black worms and bloodworms, etc. If you can get live blackworms, they will be very happy. Peppers with live black worms and clean water will be happy. Most happy Corys will do the sexy dance and spawn.

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