

New Member
Aug 28, 2003
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Hi, I just glued a bunch of pebbles onto a shot glass that I'm planning to put in my aqarium as a little cave. I'm worried that the glue will disolve and poision the tank.
I'm just wondering if it would be alright.
Thanks. :thumbs:
Hi! I'm not sure if it'll be safe if it doesn't say it's aquarium safe on the glue cover. May be you could try emailing them to ask?
thanks for the reply, but I need more info please. (and yes I'm to lazy to email them.) :D
If it's aquarium silicon sealant, then it'll b fine. But I wouldn't use any other than that imo.
thats right.. you must use aquarium-based scilicone. anything else will quickly dissolve and poison the tank, and kill the fish. its not costly.. here is 7 bucks for a nice sized tube, and you use very little...
PLEASE dont use anything else *household* wise. :no:
I've been using hot glue in my tanks for a few years now with no ill effects. It's easy and fast.

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