Cave Idea


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
Hawkhurst, Kent
I've read a number of threads with possible cave idea's. Mainly PVC pipe, slate and coconut.
However, I want to build something fairly big and natural looking. I have a 900 lite tank so can get away with something maybe 10" * 10".
I already have a slate cave that looks okay, but I want to design something that I can cover in gravel and then grow hair grass on it so it looks really discreet.
I've picked up a couple of idea's about having it open both ends to stop dead fish going undetected and stopping dead spots. Just wondered what other people thought about this?

Anyway onto my idea, you've seen the piles of stones in wire cages at the side of roads to hold the embankments back?
We'll, I was wondering if you could do this on a smaller scale. Say, get some very fine chicken wire, create the shape you want then simply fill with gravel. What do you think?

The fish that would be using it are;
Clown Loaches
Zebra Loaches
Koli Loaches
Black knife Ghost Fish

I was thinking about two caves side-by-side, but would it be better to have one big cave?

Any idea's would be welcome.
you could try making them with clay, i believe you can now bake it in ovens at home but i may be wrong.
I would probably go for the two caves as the fish will have two different places instead of all trying to get into the same place. With my loaches (2 yoyo's and 5 khuli) they all want a different place and the different types chase the others out and away.

As for your idea, i don't see why it wouldnt work. It would depend on if the wire was treated and wouldnt rust though.
you cant use chicken wire because it will rust or do bad stuff to the tank kill the fish

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