Cauli Disease


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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I have posted before about this but cant find thread. My lovely telescopic fish has this, and I know not much can be done about it, but the exterior growth is getting larger. Someone said about putting a med in water to alleviate or stop it getting worse. Can anyone help or find it? Thanks.
Acriflavin has mixed results but its really poisonous and should only be used by a vet. Another is malachite green baths but I dont know the dosage and once again if given in the wrong dose can be fatal.
The best is taking him to a vet to cut it off, expensive but the only effective way of dealing with this virus. It can grow back again and often has lumps appearing in other places. it doesnt affect the fish very much and is just an eye sore to us.
:( that made me go all cold talking about it being cut out!!! Think I will just treat him with TLC unless it gets too bad. He is an absolute sweety though! :/ ps forgetting my manners thanks for reply!

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