

Crazy Crab Lady
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Jul 23, 2004
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Northeastern USA
I know I've made a lot of posts recently but I need some quick info on this...I found a piece of flat caulerpa that has small white and gray bumps. These bumps are not on the feather-looking appendages that I thought were the reproductive part, just on the undersides of flat "leaves" that it puts out. Each bump is about 2mm in diameter. These match the decription of Nerite eggs, which I've never seen before, but I am still unfamiliar with Caulerpa's reproductive cycle. Could someone confirm whether or not this matches Caulerpa's reproductive pattern of producing spores, or if it is unrelated?

If it is not Caulerpa-related, it means I have Nerite eggs and need to make some tank adjustments ASAP. A couple of the bumps are gray, which indicates near hatching for a Nerite egg--if they are really eggs and hatch out, I will have 1-2 weeks to get it right with the larvae or it will be a bust again...Nerites of 2 species are mating as I type so I am concerned there may be more eggs I havn't found, or may be eggs in the near future if it's Caulerpa reproduction rather than snail eggs.
Nevermind, they are indeed Nerite eggs...found a couple hatched ones and they seem to be on non-Caulerpa as well. Guess I get to make tank modifications a lot quicker than expected, sorry for the frantic post.

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