Caught A Snail Dead In One Of My Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Aug 17, 2006
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I've got an apple snail (pomacea bridgesii) that I got from PetSmart a few months ago that has been doing a lot of floating recently. Today, I noticed an odd smell in the aquarium. The two fish obviously were still living, so I knew it must have been the snail.

I took the snail out, and indeed, it smells very bad. It looks like it has a shell growth problem. I know that it's dead, so there's nothing to be done, but it would be good to know what it was so that I can possibly take preventative measures in the future (for my other snails).

Thank you.
Well what type of water do you have?
And did you recently change anything in the tank? Like buy new plants or treat with medication? :)
I use tap water treated with either Jungle Start Right fizz tabs or Tetra AquaSafe (depending on what the LFS has in stock). I just checked, and ammonia is 0ppm, nitrite is 0ppm, and nitrate is 40ppm. Hardness is about 150ppm (my water is extremely hard), and the pH is 7.4.

The only things I have in there are a tank divider, a filter, a heater, a thermometer, 2 bettas (one on each side of the divider), and 2 extra snails. (I had to medicate another tank so I had to isolate the snail). Since it's a divided tank, I don't have much in there.

I also haven't medicated the tank. I actually have a small bowl just for isolating snails in the case of medications, but when a larger tank is available, I use it.

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