Cats and Rats


Jul 5, 2005
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United States
1 AM: I feel little paws scurring across my forehead; A regular occurance. My 2 rats are escape artists, and like to leave at night to come lay in my bed with me. I reached up to grab him, when I suddenly realized I had done something last night that I normally don't; Locked the cat in my room before I went to bed.

The Cat: Cisco, a tiny, tiny full grown cat, probably not even weighing 10 pounds... Who REGULARLY returns from her visits from the outside world with dead birds, mice, and other things that make me cringe. She was sleeping in my room with 2 loose rats. I sat up very quickly, expecting a bloody mess, lots of crying, and a late-night rat funeral, which would have been devistating for me...

I saw the cat... Only about 2 feet away from me, laying down very relaxed on a box, her eyes open and her head leaning over the edge. She was hardly awake.

And I saw Torgo shortly after... Standing on his hind legs on the floor, stretching up and grooming the cats face.

Wow... Just wow.I'm not sure if the cat was just too sleepy to realize what was happening, or if she's just so used to seeing them from INSIDE the cage, that she didn't percieve them as a threat... And I'm not going to find out. From now on the rat cage is being latched shut ^___^


I would have loved to have seen that!!
Recently I have been waking up to find the cat just staring (and I mean staring) into my fish tanks! I have three on the floor (soon to be moved onto a unit - they're my isolation/medication/hospital tanks), three on my desk, one on a proper stand, and three dotted on units around the room!! She will work her way around them all - like she's checking on them. She's actually never tried to get at them. She pays special attention to my sick fish...whether or not she knows they are ill ?!?!?! but she is protective over them too.
I've been trying to take a picture so you can see as it's so cute - she's a babe anyway!!
I can't believe the rats and a cat though. I think if Gallateia had the chance she probably would at least attempt to have a go at the fish...(she like the open tank my triops are in but is yet to grab one!!!
Thanks so much for the post!! FAB!! I agree with you though...I wouldn't risk it again!! Padlocks anyone?!?!
^^ I think my boys have the chance to convert just about anyone into a rat lover ^_^ They are just so smart and comical. :)

My cat has NO interest in my 4 fish tanks (even though only 2 have fish, but that'll change once my boys from nashnut get here), and no interest in the rat cage. Now, the GERBIL... that's another story! She lays on top and just STARES at him, until I see her and pull her off ^_^
that mustve been pretty amazing to see! i expect the cat was probably too gobsmacked at the audacity of the rat to move!! great pics there though, i do miss not having rats any more - used to have a pair of albino hoods like that and a champangne one. I bought three "males" from a pet shop, and a week later one of them gave birth to two tiny pups - work that one out! :kewlpics: :/ theyd given me three females by mistake, but had been keeping them in with males :rolleyes:

my parents cat pays absolutely no attention to any of their fish except their algae eater - if she sees him out in the tank she will sit for hours watching him, but totally ignores everything else in the tank.

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