

Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2003
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hey guys n gals

can cat fish and cichlids be mixed together in a tank???

what else would i be able to put in with the cichlids?

Tek :fish:
I know corys can go with many chiclids it all depends on what fish you want. Post us what fish you want and we can tell u ;)
If the cichlids are aggressive then any catfish you put with them will have to be armoured, any fish with soft skin and long whiskers will soon be killed. Also dont expect any fry from the cichlids, all catfish including corys are fry and egg eaters which will make the most of any oppertunity they get for a extra meal.
However if your planning to breed chiclids then you should definetly get a seccond tank so you can add a couple to the tank. Especially if like CFC said there are cats involved ;)
I don't recommend putting corydoras in with any cichlid that has any territorial instinct. (which is most of them)

Corydoras,given their sweet nature, don't understand the aspect of keeping territories and respecting other fish's territories. If they persist in not caring about boundaries they will either be eaten by the bigger cichlids (which can kill both if the corydora gets lodged in the mouth) or if the cichlid is too small to eat it, he will attack the eyes.
well i was thinkin bout my cory's but mainly bout my other fish

i think they are synodontis angelicus but im not sure
Synodontis catfish are good choices for cichlid tankmates,they are partially armoured and have short stubby whiskers they are also strictly nocternal so when they are active the cichlids are asleap and vice versa, just make sure there is a cave big enough for the cat to take refuge in during the day.

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