

New Member
Feb 27, 2005
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dundee scotland
hi there folks, total newbie to fish keeping here, I have just recently bought a 125 litre tank and have now got 2 species of fish in it which are neon tetras and also 3 clown loaches I am now looking to add a couple of catfish to this but am not sure of which ones to get. I do know that some cats can outgrow a tank of my size and am looking for a species of catfish that doesnt grow to big. anyone help me please.
many thanx
the nav
Small cat fish = corydoras. They are peaceful and like to shoal. There are quite a few types available.
Hey there,

Welcome to the forum first of all :)
You are right about some species outgrowing your tank, unfortunatly, your clown loaches too will outgrow your tank =/ Being up to 30 cm in length, they need a 300 tank at least. However, for the time being they'll be ok in your tank. They're slow growers anyway :)

For the smaller type of catfish I too recommend corydoras. There's loads of different types and they're all great. They should however be kept in groups of at least 3 specimn.

Other types that would do well in your tank would be a bristlenose plec. I'm quite sure there are more types of pleco that can be kept in your tank. Have a look at Planet Catfish and see what you like :)

Good luck with your tank!
Welcome to the forum, :D
I have 2 Panda Cory's (Batman and Robin) and they have a blast in my 100 Litre tank. They go non- stop buzzing around the tank, I love watching them. I will get a couple of more the next time I am at my LFS. Make sure you get a few because they like company.

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