

New Member
Nov 11, 2005
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I was changing the water and moving things around after filling the water back up i look at my tank and see my spotted catfish with one of his whiskers broken. Musta got in the way when moving the rocks. oops!! :crazy: will it grow back right? thanks :-(
Hi bloodline :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

Is it a spotted cory cat that you have? If so, and if that's all that was injured, it should be fine. It will probably grow back if it hasn't been broken off too close to it's mouth.

A cory's whiskers are actually barbels and they use them to find food. They are important to their overall well being. Please keep an eye on him to be certain that it was an injury that caused the damage and not an infection. This could be far more serious and endanger its health and that of your other fish.

I'll look forward to reading about your fish on the forum. :D
I believe the cat is a spotted pictus in grow to be 5 inchs. his barbel is broke and the tip. it looks like i sat a rock on his barbels -_- . my water is a lil cloudy. i just took out some gravel. i think i had too much and then i added some new rocks. not sure if that is why its cloudy. the water was cloudy before i did all that. i think i was putting to much food in. i have chiclids and there messy. they spit the food out. well then i noticed that there were like cotton balls in the water. im thinking that it truned into a fugus. thats why i cleand out the tank and took gravel out. can i swith to sand. with my fish still in the tank? :thumbs: i wish i started with sand. how do you clean sand? wont my vaccum suck it up when i change the water? ha thanks again. oh and how do you put a pic on here? i can show you what the cat looks like :nod:
Hi bloodline :)

Since you haven't put any information in your profile yet, please don't get offended if I, or other members ask questions that seem very basic.

The things that look like cotton balls are bits of food that have gone moldy, so you are indeed feeding them too much, or possibly the wrong kind of food. Have you checked your water parameters lately? If so, what are the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings? How long have you had the tank set up?

How often do you do water changes and when you do them, do you push the end down into the gravel to suck the dirt out? :unsure:
i just started doing a 25% water change every week. yes i stick the thing to the bottom of the tank when i clean. I dont have a test kit. I just take my water to the lfs and have them check it. last time was a week ago and they said everything was good. i didnt bother to see what it was this time. i also filled out my profile. Would you be able to help me with my other questions? :hey:
thanks again for everything.
i had a pim pictus with some convict chiclids that had fry and they gave him a hard time and broke his whiskers i removed him sharpish and within a week they where well on the way back to normal.
obviously impecable water quality is essential and would recomend a good selection of test kit is advantagous.
Good Luck
I just read your profile. Is the catfish scaleless? I don't know much about catfish other than the cories in my tank. The salt will burn their skin if they don't have scales.

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