Catfish Type!


Fish Fanatic
May 7, 2007
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Hi folks, yet again I am asking what fish is this?

I bought what I was reliably informed was an upside down catfish only to discover that it looked nothing like the pics I found online. On a website, I read that the upside down catfish is often mis-sold and that they can often give you either s.nigrita or s.robbianus. Apparently one of these can grow quite large and will eat anything smaller than it, and as I am finding this catfish to be a bit of a nipper I am now concerned. I am not one for buying just anything but the situation was there and I was daft!

Please help!

Thanks lots :good:


  • catfish.jpg
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How big is it now?
It is not a robbianus, but looks to me an adult S. eupterous, but I am cirtanly not sure on this.
It doesent look like a huge Syno, so I would say that it was going to max out at 6", but without knowing much about it, this is not a great answer.
How big is it now?
It is not a robbianus, but looks to me an adult S. eupterous, but I am cirtanly not sure on this.
It doesent look like a huge Syno, so I would say that it was going to max out at 6", but without knowing much about it, this is not a great answer.

Hi and thanks for your reply, currently its 2 and half inches long, hope it stays small :unsure:
Mmm, best thing to do is check with a retailer asap if they can take it if it gets too big, but say to them it is not a cirtanty. This should give you some security.

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