Catfish To Go With Pirhanas


Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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would a pictus catfish get eaten by a pirhana and if so are there any other catfish that can go with pirhanas

not worried about the tank size right now just if any type of catfish can go with pirhanas
would a pictus catfish get eaten by a pirhana and if so are there any other catfish that can go with pirhanas

not worried about the tank size right now just if any type of catfish can go with pirhanas
None - any would get chunks bitten off.
my sisters comon plec bears a lovely scar where it was bitten by one of her pirhana`s

Thing is they`d been living in the tank together for 2 years
ya i belive the commons have to be bigger then the pirhanas and a little on the aggesive side not shy
yes i know that but if the common is larger than the pirhana and they grow up together that way and the common is little aggresive they should be ok
yes i know that but if the common is larger than the pirhana and they grow up together that way and the common is little aggresive they should be ok
If you look at any large (and I do mean LARGE) catfish in the wild from SA, you'll usually see signs of piranah damage, particularly on the tail. So I don't think a pleco, something without being able to defend itself (besides 'armor') would fair much better if not much worse if the piranah got a bit annoyed.
Like Ived said in the other topic in the Characin section, its best to house piranhas with no tankmates. If you ask me, I consider it abuse. I own 4 different piranha species and I wouldnt in a million years house anything with them.

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