Hi guys, I have been trying to think about what to put in my 40 gal 4ft long tank now for a while. I have finally decided on Catfish community. I am no expert on these however an a little help would be much appreciated. I have put ther list in the think fish community creator as I usually do and it s=doesn't say there are any problems, but obviously experience is better. My list is;
1x Rtbs
1x Peacock Eel
3x Pictus Catfish
1x Striped Talking Cat
2x Bristlenose Plec
2x Hoplo
1x Zebra Plec
6x Group of Corys (unsure about these with the Eel)
So far I have 1 Hoplo and a Rtbs, both of these are very young and I hope to get every fish at their juvenile stage.
I wouldn't mind a few higher swimming fish. My aim is for fish at about 6" as you can tell by the list they are all reasonably sized fish. Any thoughts welcome on anything else that might look good in there. Help greatfully appreciated, thx in advance. Also any concerns about the future stocking please let me know.
Sorry I will give the full details of tank, it is a 48"12"15" 37gal. I have a whites sand substrate with plenty of decor and hiding places. I have arranged it with quite a lot of territory spaces i.e. caves an such all spread out and quite well covered.
1x Rtbs
1x Peacock Eel
3x Pictus Catfish
1x Striped Talking Cat
2x Bristlenose Plec
2x Hoplo
1x Zebra Plec
6x Group of Corys (unsure about these with the Eel)
So far I have 1 Hoplo and a Rtbs, both of these are very young and I hope to get every fish at their juvenile stage.
I wouldn't mind a few higher swimming fish. My aim is for fish at about 6" as you can tell by the list they are all reasonably sized fish. Any thoughts welcome on anything else that might look good in there. Help greatfully appreciated, thx in advance. Also any concerns about the future stocking please let me know.
Sorry I will give the full details of tank, it is a 48"12"15" 37gal. I have a whites sand substrate with plenty of decor and hiding places. I have arranged it with quite a lot of territory spaces i.e. caves an such all spread out and quite well covered.