Catfish in food trouble


Fish Addict
May 25, 2003
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i put in the normal fish food and the fish eat it then i put the catfish food and the fish eat that to but the catfish i never see the catfish eating the food what can i do to stop the other fish eating the catfish food.
Hmmmmm thats a difficult one!!! i wouldn't recommend over feeding though because it can cause a whole load of problems.
so any ideas how to stop this maybe change food???? :*)
Put it in a mesh bag. This is a tough one. drop the catfish food in the opposite corner of the tank
Try distracting the fish with their food, and while they're eating, put in the catfish food.
ok thanks and i was wondering how do i get one of those faces?
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get some shrimp pellets they go to the bottom you could get some flakes and keep the others busy and then add the pellets thats how I do I know my mollies are hogs I almost starved my smallest bala shark because of them hog mollies then i got smart on them I net them while the other ones eat.
What kind of catfish do you have? If they are nocturnal try putting the catfish food in 10 to 15 mins after lights out and they should get most of it :fish:
This shouldn't be as hard as it sounds since catfish are generally nocturnal.

Feed your other fish in the daytime, then come in at night when the other fish are sleeping and drop in a sinking catfish pellet. Your cat should be about the only one up, and even if he's not, the advantage goes to the one with the best nose!

Our cat can find a pellet within minutes of hitting a random spot in a 55 gallon aquarium with currents from a powerhead and Fluval return. It's like radar! Don't worry, he'll be able to outcompete the others if you make it on a catfish's terms.

Otherwise, get a more aggressive cat. Our's is a Raphael-well known for being the PERFECT community fish. They bother no one unless bothered, but EASILY capable of standing up to an aggressive Oscar.

Our's is often fed during the day when we see him up, or want to! It gets boring seeing him only every few weeks. The pellet goes in, and our barbs are all over it. Then the Raphael come is, grabs the pellet in his mouth like a dog with a frisbee, swishes his body through a few 90 degree arcs to discourage any pursuit with his barbs, then disappears into his cave with his trophy. NO ONE follows him in!

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