catfish ID


Fish Crazy
Feb 14, 2005
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No pics.

There are these catfish at the lps that are pinkish with grey spots. It says on the tank they're pangasius but I don't see any pics of pangasius with that coloring. Any ideas what they might be? If they're really pagansius I'll pass...but if they're something else and not over about a foot as adults I might get one (they look like lil cows ;)).
there will be the albino form and there grow BIG, if you go to the top of this topic page you will see a pinned message on them.

It looked just like the one in your sig. I just hadn't found any in pics anywhere with spots. Guess I won't get one..I'm already kind of pushing it for the 480 gallon tank ;)
wow. its hard to tell and i suck at id ing pictures but the pinkish fish in woodies signature is an electric catfish i think. or a really small clarino (i think thats it) cat.
both get well over a foot

EDIT- why yes i am retarded. its a clarius catfish! large and in charge. pretty aggressive

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