Catfish Id


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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Can anyone ID these fish for me.






Sorry about poor image quality but they refuse to come out on display :)
1.Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps/ Sailfin Pleco - will grow huge, needs a large tabnk
2.Will need a shot of the whole fish to be able to ID it.
3.L134 Leopard Frog Pleco - Beautiful :drool:
4. Some sort of Synodontis
Cheers for quick reply.


Sorry again about quality. This is in the middle of the tank so the camera will focus on pretty much anything but the fish. Plus my oscars are real photo whores and kept swimming in front of camera cause they weren't getting the attention.

Also are all these suitable for community tank with small fish ? (obviously not the oscars i mean the pictured fish :) )
hard to id accurately from the pics , but the synodontis could be a eupterus .
lol fair point. You wouldn't thin i used to do a bit of under water photography :(


Would the Clown, leopard and sailfin be ok in a community tank with red tail shark, corydoras and tetra ?
given enough hiding caves yes. Oh and a 6 foot tank as the sailfin WILL grow to about 2foot in length.
Would the Clown, leopard and sailfin be ok in a community tank with red tail shark, corydoras and tetra ?

Yep, its a Clown Pleco

All the plecos would be fine in a community tank with your fish but is your tank big enough for the Sailfin Pleco, they get pretty big. :crazy:
Would the Clown, leopard and sailfin be ok in a community tank with red tail shark, corydoras and tetra ?

Yep, its a Clown Pleco

All the plecos would be fine in a community tank with your fish but is your tank big enough for the Sailfin Pleco, they get pretty big. :crazy:

It's not a clown, it's a peckoltia. sp probably closer to vittata or brevis but certainly not a panaque maccus.

The other 1 is probably more a common than a gibbi and the other is a L134 leopard frog... sorry cant help with the syno

The fish you have require not only different tank conditions but also food, the common will get to big for your average community tank and could pose a potential threat to the other plecs due to it's size and needing such a big territory.

The other 2 are both peckoltia species so conditions will be pretty much the same for both and should live in harmony given they have enough space to call there own with enough places to hide. As mentioned the common will get big and would be better re homed than live in unsuitable conditions.
The colours and banding are completely wrong for any peckoltia sp. the closer peckoltia is L170 which is obviously different.

Colourations match to P. maccus, although it is look rather stressed.

take a look at the below images (from Planetcatfish) of the P. maccus

slightly stressed

here is a group of P. maccus
I have 2 big tanks at the moment. A 500l 8ft tank that i have as community with tetra/corydoras and a few angels going in from my smaller tank and another 480l tank that has oscars in it.

I wanted to home all but the syno in the community tank for the time being as the sailfin isn't big enough in my opinion to go in the oscar tank. Then later on i was going to transfer the sailfin into the oscar tank once he was larger and leave then other 2 in the community tank.

When you say they need different conditions what do you mean ?

His stress may be caused by currently be in a tank with oscars. (I bought the tank and the oscars,plecos,an angel and 3 gouramis came with it)
The colours and banding are completely wrong for any peckoltia sp. the closer peckoltia is L170 which is obviously different.

Colourations match to P. maccus, although it is look rather stressed.

take a look at the below images (from Planetcatfish) of the P. maccus

slightly stressed

here is a group of P. maccus

Colouration and patterning would be last way to ID certain species of plec a perfect example would be the current deliberation on hypan species of plec which most are now just be referred to as 'scribble plecs' simply because there patterning is so diverse the only true way of ID'ing would be catch location and because this is often unknown the correct ID is becoming extremely hard and near impossible to completely guarantee . The pic you have listed has no resemblance (patten wise) to the plec the OP has posted and the plec posted is completely the wrong shape.. head wise and body wise. Infact the clown link you posted doesn't show a stressed fish, the fish resembles this colour quite often.

Ive attached two clowns just to show that markings aren't always the same but the principle is always there, clowns tend to have a a brown to black body with a 'thin' banded creamy(ish) band over pretty much all of it's body. where as the OP's pic has nothing resembling this pattern.

I'm 90% sure the fish in the picture is not a clown, the other 10% would be if the picture was better.

I also never said that the fish was either of the 2 species that ive mentioned, i said the species more closely resembles these to species than it does a p.maccus which i will completely stick to

I have 2 big tanks at the moment. A 500l 8ft tank that i have as community with tetra/corydoras and a few angels going in from my smaller tank and another 480l tank that has oscars in it.

I wanted to home all but the syno in the community tank for the time being as the sailfin isn't big enough in my opinion to go in the oscar tank. Then later on i was going to transfer the sailfin into the oscar tank once he was larger and leave then other 2 in the community tank.

When you say they need different conditions what do you mean ?

His stress may be caused by currently be in a tank with oscars. (I bought the tank and the oscars,plecos,an angel and 3 gouramis came with it)

Then as far as tank space and the situation you plan the fish should be quite at home within your tanks :).

Different conditions just refers to preferred tank sizes, decoration and also temps that they should ideally be kept in but because you plan on separating them issues shouldn't arrive :good:

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