Catfish ID???


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Belleville NJ
I just bought two catfish for my Convict tank.. I had to take the Pictus cats out because the cons had babbies and was beating up on them. I went to my LFS and asked for a tough catfish that could withstand any punishment that a con could dish out. He took me to a tank filled with armored catfish that look like plecos. The have very point and hard fins, i found that out the hard way. When the man at the lfs put them in the bag he only used one bag. On the ride home the fish put its fins right through the bag and got my lap all wet.. Well anyway these cats must be nocturnal because i have not seen them since i put them in the tank. I was just wondering if anyone could id them.

That pic has the same shaped body but different markings. Any ideas about what it is??
striped rapheal excellent fish, peacful for communirty tanks and very nocturnal.
You wont see them move hardly during the day, and they like to hide....I had them in my 29 at one time with a black moore and they got along great.
you prolly have the spotted Rapheal. My stripped one lived for 7 years(If it wasnt for ick not sure how long he would have lived.) I had another die also getting in an ornament. Be careful that they wont get stuck in something. And provide something for him/her to hide in. I had a 2inch PVC pipe that was his hiding place. they are cool fish and live a long time.
I do ... This one is the fish i have.. Thanks guys now i know what i bought (i know bad idea buyin sumthing before i know anything about it).. Now that i know what it is does anyone have any info on them, like what i should feed them, water conditions, how big they get??
OscarCichlid said:
I do ... This one is the fish i have.. Thanks guys now i know what i bought (i know bad idea buyin sumthing before i know anything about it).. Now that i know what it is does anyone have any info on them, like what i should feed them, water conditions, how big they get??
mine got to be around 6 to 7 inches and I kept the water around 6.6-7.6 over the years I had them and they flourished. I would just put algae discs and shrimp pellets down for them before the lights went out. They did great. You will love them, they live a long time. My last one died in Janurary and I bought it in 1996 if I remember correctly. (this was the striped version like the first pic you showed us) They like to hide , so get a hidding place for them , and make sure it is big enough for them , I had one get stuck in a ornament and he died in it.
Thanks for that info. i already have alot of hiding places in the tank because my pleco hates to come out during the day and he has to hide from the cons. I guess they like the ornaments because i have not seen them since about 20 mins after i put them in, i think that they burrowed under the gravel. I have about 5-6 inches of gravel in there so i cant find them. Do you think that they are tough enough to be in the same tank as a breeding pair of cons? I dont want any of my fish to get hurt..
OscarCichlid said:
Thanks for that info. i already have alot of hiding places in the tank because my pleco hates to come out during the day and he has to hide from the cons. I guess they like the ornaments because i have not seen them since about 20 mins after i put them in, i think that they burrowed under the gravel. I have about 5-6 inches of gravel in there so i cant find them. Do you think that they are tough enough to be in the same tank as a breeding pair of cons? I dont want any of my fish to get hurt..
They are tough but I have never had any cons so that is out of my realm. I had mine with a black moore LOL and had no problems. I am now experimenting with Kribs, so these are in a way my first cichlids. I had some electric blues and yellows ones and my wife asked to find a home for them since she liked community fish. :rolleyes: I am sorry I dont know how they would do with cons, but my rapheals liked to go under the ornaments and hide so I would assume they may have done the same in yours. Maybe someone else can answer the question on the convict compatibility for you. I would assume so since they are tough little fellas.

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