Catfish Id Plz


Fish Herder
Mar 5, 2007
Reaction score
Wiltshire, England
Hey there, i've never really kept catfish so i'm
no expert on names but i was looking into getting a
frogmouth when one day in my lfs i found a tank
with what looked very similar to the frogmouth,
but obliously was'nt. they were labelled as
"jelly catfish". googled it with no luck, can any
of you guys tell me what it is?

Thanks in advance, and all comments welcome :good:
Thanks for the quick replys you two :good:

Dunno whats wrong with him?
I could only get jellyfish or catfish lol

Thanks again!
pas de problem mon ami

Come again lol?

Anyone had and experience with these guys?

Any ideas on size, food ect?

Cheers :good:

bad french for no problem my friend

have u decided which one it is yet? PC should gve u basic care info and tells you size, haven't kept any myself so can't help sorry

Oh lol

Yea its the first link one of you posted :nod:

I ask cos the website does'nt say much (or i carn't find it) on them
and that seems to be the only website which knows of them lol
Psuedopimelodus species are not that popular in the hobby due to their two biggest traits, one they are supreme predators that can eat fish nearly as big as themselves and two they are extremely shy and nocturnal so you never see them. Other than that they are fantastic fish and perfectly suited to the small species tank as they are fairly inactive and most are fairly small.
Psuedopimelodus species are not that popular in the hobby due to their two biggest traits, one they are supreme predators that can eat fish nearly as big as themselves and two they are extremely shy and nocturnal so you never see them. Other than that they are fantastic fish and perfectly suited to the small species tank as they are fairly inactive and most are fairly small.

Cheers CFC,

So are you sayin there like chaca chaca?

Are they as shy?
Jelly Catfish from my research are VERY shy, like don't see them for a month until one day it comes out to eat shy...
Chaca arent so much shy and nocturnal but just very very lazy, except for when assuming a new hunting position Chaca wont bother to move at all. Most Pseudopimelodus species are actually quite active once the lights are out and can be veiwed by the use of a red light as they whizz around the tank looking for anything they might be able to fit into their mouths.

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