Catfish Id Please


Fish Fanatic
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin
I was wondering if anyone can ID this cat fish, I had him for a while and thought he was an Iridescent shark but he has two dorsal fins. I think he looks very cool, and he's nocturnal.

Here are the pics, enjoy




if you need more pics, just let me know thanks
Looks a little bit like Mystus Wyckii to me.

Only a little though, and I'm no expert.

well thanks for the replay, but I'm still a little skeptical, because I googled it in and the coloration is quite different but then you never know but thanks anyway. And also, from what I've read, they like brackish water and mines in fresh. here's a little info about it.

well anyone else?
Please don't take this the wrong way but that's why I came here because I've done my research and couldn't find anything.
Looks more like one of the synodontis family. Have a look through the synos on here and see if anything looks similar. He's got all the right features for the syno breeds but there are so many. How big is he? Dependant on agefor some markings or none at all within any of the breeds. Very few don't change as they become adults. Some that have spots as babes lose them all, or darken in colour etc tec. But he's not predator.
And no, it's no the channel catfish. Bodyshape is wrong and the whiskers (I like calling 'em whiskers!! :p ) are too long. They're also a coldwater fish, not tropical. ;)
Well thanks for the replys, well I was looking at the post kenno did, I don't think that's him but it looks very simlar but from the picture it has two anal fins and mine has three. I hope it's not that one (Ictalurus furcatus) because dang! they can grow big.

He's about 3.5 to 4 inches right now. I'll try to get some better pictures of him.

Well thanks everyone.

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