Catfish Gone?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 11, 2007
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ok so i bought two stripped rapheal catfish. and one i just found and he was dead. but the other one i havent seen since i got him i looked under every rock, in every hidding place i could possibly think of or see. and he is not in there i even lifted up the gravel and everything. :sly: any ideas where else they might hide there are no plants in the tank i was going to get some but i havent decided yet. but any ideas. fish can not just dispear!!!!!! :no: although the same kind of thing happend to one of my platy a long time ago but thats another story. no cats in the room as the tank either! -_- .... so any suggestions as to of what or where he could be? i know you dont know what my tank looks like but there are quiet a few places one could hide. but im hoping some one more experienced than me with these fish knows there behavior and maybe what could i do to get him out of hidding? and what exactly do they eat. i was feeding them brine shrip but i dont know.

thanks! :look:
Some fish are notorious for disappearing acts. If it's alive in there your best bet is to catch it at night with no lights on or only a lunar light and try dropping some food. Depending on the tankmates though it might have been eaten and no sign of it left.
well i hope that he or she is still alive.... :unsure: i just hate to loose fish :( so my best bet is at night. well an all nighter it is ;)
Raphaels are good hiders and you might have to try a few nights before it shows up if it is still alive. I've read stories of "lost" ones showing up months or even years later and quite healthy so even if you don't see it you shouldn't assume it is dead without a body.
As a owner of a Raphael cat (spotted) they will usually in my experience hide in a very tight spot and stay there for hours.....and hours...and hours...& only occasionally will you see them. It would be around there look for a nook (& or cranny :p) thats tight and safe and you should find it...
It could of jumped out the tank or be in/behind the filter or behind the heater?
If there anr any holes in the lid of your tank the fish might of jumped out if the holes are big enough.

Good luck anyway :)

Cheers, Joemuz
Raphael catfish are known to disappear for months at a time, though other fish could easily clear up the remains of a dead fish (depending on what else if with them).
I've had various disappearing fish (but I've found remains of them in plants being munched on by snails and other fish :sick: ).
I've had a 7 inch Striped Raphael in my 30 for 5 months and I've only seen him twice: When I put him in and when I woke up at midnight to get a drink and he was cruising along the bottom of the tank.
They're great disappearing artists.
thanks guys ill guess i will have to keep my eyes open for him or her then.

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