Catfish For Sale - Various


Fish Fanatic
Sep 1, 2008
Reaction score
Livestock: Catfish
Quantity for sale: 7 listed below
Reason for Sale: Not compatible in tank, eat my cichlid fry
Delivery or Collection: Collection preferred but can deliver
Sales price: Open to offers
Postage & Packaging: N/A
Location: Portsmouth
Photograph: Nil currently.

Catfish for sale as follows;

Synodontis Decorus - 6" to 8" approx
Synodontis Eupterus - 6" approx
Synodontis Angelicus - 4" approx
Synodontis Jaguar - 3" approx
Striped Raphael catfish - 5" approx
Spotted talking catfish - 3"-4" approx

Feel free to ask questions.
Can you upload a side on photo of the decora please, clearly showing the tail fin markings? I want to be sure of the ID, hybrid sp. 5 "Valentine" are often missold as S. decora, I already have a true decora of a similar size and am looking for reasonably priced conspecifics, as these are extremely social for synos (I sadly lost the group of 6 babies I was growing on to join my ~8" fella, back in Feb, in a semi- tank wipeout brought on by Ich/Velvet)

Photo of the Spotted (Raphael?) too, please.

Photo of the angelica as well please, although I admit this one is of less interest, as these synos tend to be at the otehr end of the syno aggression spectrum.
You'll struggle with a collection only post with no location listed.
While no location is used in teh template, Portsmouth is listed in the title. ;)

OP not been officially online since Saturday morning...
I have ammended my sales form to account for the error of location which was specified in the desired location ;)

I shall do my best to get photos this weekend as need to move a substantial amount of rock to achieve the photos!

As soon as I have photos I will upload so you can check to see if its of the correct spec for you :)

In the mean time this week i shall look and see if i have any old pics which may help to show.
Any news on the photos?

It might be easier to simply pull out all the tank furniture and do a video clip if you have the means
Just seen the video, I'm pretty happy it is a true Synodontis decora, quite possibly a female given its plumpish belly. I'm racking my brains about which species that other striped tail syno is, maybe an ornatipinnis or pardalis? Which ever it is, I take it this one is not for sale, it certainly is not a decora/euptera/angelica/jaguar hybrid.

What sort of price are you looking for these fish? I'm least interested in the euptera and jaguar.

Like I mentioned by PM I am selling my ~8" decora and four 4-5" flavitaeniata tomorrow morning, I'm more intrested in them going to a fishkeeper who knows their needs and has a spacious tank than making a profit, I'm selling the five fish at cost price of £40 total.

I don't know exactly what Mats' plans are after visiting me to collect 5 of my synos, but if the price is right for him he might well think about calling into Portsmouth on his way back home to buy/collect your decora later in the day.
I believe it is a true decorus also. not too sure on the sex if i am honest.

All catfish are for sale as i am more focused on the cichlids now and slowly putting an order into my tank due to excessive breeding and having fry in two tanks and a mate has a tank which he grows them in.

As for price, I am well aware places such as maidenhead aquatics would sell one of my size and condition to a customer for about £70 however, I would like to sell it to someone who is interested in keeping the cat but would like to sell if possibe rather than give away.

You can ask Mats what his plan is and show him my video and drop me a message and i shall check the website regulary.
When I talked about selling mine at cost price, just to clarify, I paid £20 for this decora (from Aquajardin) who has barely grown in length since buying him almost two years ago, while the four flavitaeniata were bought for £25 total from World Of Water Romsey last summer have perhaps grown 2cm longer and definitely fatter! :D.

Something you might be interested to hear is that the decora is by far the safest catfish in your collection to have arounf fry, my one had ~50 Steatocranus youngsters hopping all around him 11 months ago and expereinces like this are commonplace. Your most likely fry eater in that group is the Spotted Raphael, but at the same time I would not consider fry safe around anything but baby euptera.

So what about prices do you have in mind for the other catfish (angelica; the "mystery" striped tail fin syno; Spotted Raphael; Striped Raphael)?
Sorry Aaron89, I need to put any offer on hold for at least the short term...

The Opsarius canerensis that "MartinS" has been trying to sell (along with Pearl Danios and Glyptothorax siamensis) came from me back in February, Martin may be sending these Thai fish to me by courier as I still feel some repsonsibility for the Opsarius that I originally bought back in summer 2010. On my wages, I have recently spent a small fortune on new fish (10x Microsynodontis spp.; 25x Pareutropius mandervillei; 5x Euchilichthys spp.; 6x Dwarf Chain Loach; 9x Halfbeak; 1x Chrisichthys ornatus; 1x Auchoglanis spp.; 1x Synodontis brichardi) and if Martin is happy to courier these to me it will almost certainly be my last purchases for this year.

If the situation changes, I will be in touch, but in the meantime good luck with your sale.

No worries, yeah keep me updated. Will have to try another couple of websites also for now then.

Good luck with your fish.

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