catfish for cycling?


Feb 17, 2004
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Chambersburg, PA (USA)
I'm setting up a 10 G tank for a killie breeding pair, and I'm thinking about adding Otos and/or pygmy cories. I'm using a biowheel filter, some water from a well aged tank, and hopefully some live plants. I plan on letting it set up for a few days before adding cycling fish.

Is it a good idea to use either pygmy cories or Otos for cycling? If so has anybody tried it?

It's possible I could use a couple pritellas or my black skirts, but I don't want them to die, and I don't want to buy fish for cycling that I'm not going to use in this tank.

Personally I wouldn't do it - I find both ottos and cories sensitive to bad quality water. If you must go through fish cycling, you can choose something that is hardier, such as zebra dainos.
Both those fish are pretty sensitive, especially ottos, who really need to be added to a matured tank to thrive. couldn't you try a fishless cycle? It should be quicker, especially if you've added stuff from a mature tank. :)
I'd recomend fishless (if you have pure ammonia) and media from mature tank as well... ;)
can sumone explain the benefits of having a catfish? and disadvantages as well...i have an idea but im still a newbie

thanx !
can sumone explain the benefits of having a catfish? and disadvantages as well...i have an idea but im still a newbie

thanx !

I depends what type of catfish you are talking about, most fall under corys or plecs though. Some catfish will eat algae so i guess thats an advantage, but algae eating catfish will need to be fed normal catfish foods anyways when there's no algae in the tank plus other types of foods wether there is or there isn't so i don't know if you could call it that much of an advantage.
Either way though in my opinion there's no need to add fish that do such things as eating algae in your tank as algae can be gotten rid of without the aid of fish :) .
can sumone explain the benefits of having a catfish? and disadvantages as well...i have an idea but im still a newbie

thanx !

The only reason for owning a catfish should be that you want a catfish. Mother Nature has yet to create a fish that is only there to serve its owner (by tank-cleaning, algae eating etc) and does not require any looking after in its own right. Having said that, catfish - both the plecs and the corys - are fascinating creatures that most owners find very rewarding. But if your tastes don't happen to lie that way or if you haven't got the space, then your tank can certainly get on without one.

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