catfish for a 55 gallon


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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I want top get some cool catfish for my 55 gallon, no corries though.

I want some more of the bigger, but not huge types. I have a port acara in there, asnd some other fish, but they arent to be there much loinger, except the dojo loach.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Brachysynodontis!!! :D I keep recommending them. Or sailfin cats.Both similar and both utterly beautiful. Nocturnal but will come out at day especially if there's a good group of them. The brachies can reach 8" although normally 6" is more common. They're omnivors and will live with any tank mates peacefully. I currently have 3 platties and asparkling gouramie in there and they look very small in comparison to the cats. But they won't hurt them. So long as they have somwhere to hide up and sleep in the day they're happy. :thumbs:

Sailfin syno.
The brachies are generally much darker to the point of almost black with black spots, their top fin is almost the same but it is longer at the top. They also like to swim and rest upside down sometimes. Hence being known as Greater upside down cats. :p
Obviously there are many other types you can choose from but I love these. :wub:
The syno's would be nice (great pic Miss Dib Dabs!). A group of Pimelodus pictus would work aswell...4-5 would be comfortable in a 55gal but they are carniverous so you wouldn't be able to keep anything under 3" with them once they are full grown. They do better when introduced into a mature tank so you should have no problems and they are quite hardy once settled.


CFC has a bio on them in the Index if your interested.

I have one of those Syno's. It still small, but currently living with my Mbuna. Not sure why thoughg, as they do pic on the poor gal.

I was also thinking pims. as one fish store has some very cheap near by. They are very pretty as well.

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