Catfish For 2-10gallon Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2007
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Eastern USA
I'm planning for college a little early, haha. I've always loved catfish of any kind, they're so amusing and beautiful. However, I've never tried for smaller ones - I've stuck to common plecs, pictus, a shovelnose, etc. No idea what the fishy world offers in terms of smaller cats.

My best bet for the tank I'm taking is a 7 gallon hex - decently planted, sand substrate, well filtered. However, being a hex, its footprint is rather small - about a foot across. What catfish could live there? I particularly like plecos, if there are any that suit that size. Actually, any bottom dwellers in general would be awesome.
I've heard of pygmy cories and ottos being kept in groups of 3 in tanks of only 5 gallons. Is that okay for them? Could you actually stock any more fish in there, like a betta, or would that be too crowded?
7 Gallons I believe could only take a group of 4-6 Pygmy Cories but I doubt anything else could go in the tank
Or just the Betta. They make a nice colorful dorm pet.

3 dwarf Synos might be happy, although they too are "the more the merrier" fish.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't Dwarf Synos reach around 5"? That'd still be okay? Ah, and could I have the scientific name for Dwarf Synos? Thanks. :good: I really love how they look, haha.
there is alot of different info and alot of different species labled "dwarf syno" but the SN is synodontis petricola.
any of the 3 pygmy/dwarf cory species (C. pygmaeus, habrosus or hastatus[/i]
S. petrocola sp. cf. dwarf or Synodontis cf petricola dwarf

It looks like the discovery of a variety of variations in the wild is putting the Tanganyikan Synos through lots of designation changes. Maybe LL can give us some info.

Mine are captive bred in Hawaii and were sold as S. petricola sp dwarf: dwarf S. petricola: S. petricola pygmy catfish.

And lots of other designations. It used to be in the Syno section of PlanetCatfish as a dwarf petricola, but it looks like it has gone through a designation change.

Regular pets get about 5.1"; the dwarf are under 4", and it looks to me compared to the wild caught "pets" and "multis" I have that they will stay well under 4"

The closest I can find now is S. lucipinnis

5 could easily be kept in a 10 usg. I kept 7 in one until I recently put them in the Sorority tank.
The petricolas sound good, haha. Thanks for the names!
The sorority you have set up is absolutely adorable, Jollysue! :wub:

How much is a dwarf pet, roughly? I've seen something like them in my LFS, but he was bigger and erm, priced at $350. Hahaha, hopefully not the same adorable little creature I'm looking at now? ^^"
I got mine on Aquabid from aquariaman for $30+shipping (probably $45-$65 overnight FedEx.) Absolutely the best seller I have had experience with. He is in Hawaii. I got 7 of them at about 3/4 to 1" fry. They arrived safely and have done well. Check his Offerings on AB. He has over a 1000 positive feedback reviews. You can PM him through AB. Be careful, AquaBid is addictive. Always check the feed back on a seller and the time they have been around before you buy.

The dwarf pets cost much more as adults.

As for Plecos, there are dwarf plecs.

Look around AB and look at what is being offered. PM and ask for info about the fish being offered. A good seller will be honest and give good advice. They will take time with you and have lots of experience They will care about fish. Come back and check with us about the seller and fish and shipping practice.
Sounds awesome, thanks a lot Jollysue! I'll definitely look into that. I'll do a peek into dwarf plecs as well, mmm....
for a 7 gallon. a betta would be perfect. i would also probally have 4-6 dwarf cories too. (C. pygmaeus, C. habrosus or C. hastatus)
but dwarf cories are probally the only bottom dweller you could have. ottos are perfect, but hang on the sides aswell as the bottom. anywher from 3 to 6 ottos would be fine. aslong as you have good filtration and keep up with water changes and maintance. you could happily get dwarf cories, ottos and a betta in there.
Thanks Fishboy! That wouldn't be too overstocked, you don't think?
And from what I've been reading, the dwarf cories are midwater-ish, not bottom dwellers like the other cories. Anyone have personal experience to share?
Alright, thanks VampirePlec! It just means I get to plant even more on the bottom then before, haha. Sweet deal. :flowers:
these guys look awsome in bigger groups, i would love to do up one of my smaller tanks, planted with a huge group of these guys, wether its 3 the kinds together or just one. glad i cauld help.

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