Catfish Eggs?


New Member
Oct 20, 2007
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Are these catfish eggs?

I have 2 new catfish which i got last week, not sure what sex they are. I put a floating breeder trap in my tank this morning for a guppy that looked about ready to have fry.... 2 hours later i came back and found this...


Could my catfish have laid eggs ( all the way up the top of the tank on the floating breeder trap!) ? or could these be a parasite or something!? I don't want anything bad to happen to my fish!!

If they are Catfish eggs, do i need to do anything special to look after them? Will a lady catfish lay eggs if there isn't a male present? I have had catfish in my other tank for about 2 years and never seen any eggs!

Thanks for the help
Are these catfish eggs?

I have 2 new catfish which i got last week, not sure what sex they are. I put a floating breeder trap in my tank this morning for a guppy that looked about ready to have fry.... 2 hours later i came back and found this...


Could my catfish have laid eggs ( all the way up the top of the tank on the floating breeder trap!) ? or could these be a parasite or something!? I don't want anything bad to happen to my fish!!

If they are Catfish eggs, do i need to do anything special to look after them? Will a lady catfish lay eggs if there isn't a male present? I have had catfish in my other tank for about 2 years and never seen any eggs!

Thanks for the help

yeah they are corydoras eggs, check out the pdf linked in my sig, that will tell you all you need to know ;)
Thanks for the help. Unfortunately i had to go to an audition straight after i posted and have only just got in... Checked the tank and they are all gone :( Eaten i expect!

Next time ill make sure to move them as soon as i see them... would be it OK to put them in the plastic breeder trap in future until they hatch? Also how long before i might expect to see some more eggs?
a breeding trap would be pointless unfortunately, as cort fry, when they hatch are only a mm or so long and will be sucked out of ther trap and into the filter.

The best thing to do, is setup a 5gallon tank, half fill it with water from your mature tank, when the eggs hatch out them in that with some meth's blue and an airstone (connected to an airpump)
also buy some egg laying fry food, and try and get ahold of some micro worms.

There is a lot of time and effort required to raise fry successfully, if you dont currently have the time or money I would suggest leaving the eggs and letting nature take it course, you may have some survive, its no unheard of.

You dont mention which corydoras you have nor where you from, these facts can help us, as different species require different things, and also knowing where you are we can best advice you of what foods to buy and from where.

good luck :good:
a breeding trap would be pointless unfortunately, as Cort fry, when they hatch are only a mm or so long and will be sucked out of the trap and into the filter.

The best thing to do, is setup a 5gallon tank, half fill it with water from your mature tank, when the eggs hatch out them in that with some meth's blue and an airstone (connected to an air pump)
also buy some egg laying fry food, and try and get ahold of some micro worms.

There is a lot of time and effort required to raise fry successfully, if you dont currently have the time or money I would suggest leaving the eggs and letting nature take it course, you may have some survive, its no unheard of.

You dont mention which corydoras you have nor where you from, these facts can help us, as different species require different things, and also knowing where you are we can best advice you of what foods to buy and from where.

good luck :good:

Sorry for the slow reply, all a bit hectic at the mo!

I live in Ely which is near Cambridge, i buy all my fish related stuff from" Ely Aquatics"

I have 2 corys in this particular tank, and i *think* they are both Corydora Aeneus (one albino, one not), i will try and put a picture up when i get a free moment to check though!

I think i will let nature take its course with regards to the eggs for the time being, as if i breed them i want to do it properly :) ( going to be rushed off my feet with auditions until the spring)

Thanks for your help!

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