Catfish Died

Panda Cory

New Member
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, VA
About a week ago my swordtail caught ick. Yesterday, I went with my mom and picked up some "Quick Cure", a medicine that treats ick. That night I noticed that my smallest panda cory was dead. I'm curious as to whether the ick might've caused the death of my catfish, or was it the medicine? The catfish was a very young age, however, he had been floating at the top of the tank a week or so before. When I tapped him with my net, he swam off.
From what I have read in this forum you should only use medicine on fish if you know exactly what they have since you knew swordtail had ick it was ok but i am thinking maybe he should've been put in another tank to get treated. As for the cause of death for the panda sorry I could't tell you. I know it's not much help but I am new at fishkeeping. Maybe someone can give a good diagnosis. How is the swordtail doing now though? Keep us posted.
That swordtail died this morning, along with his friend... :byebye:
When I checked the tank, the first swordtail was already dead, and the second was lying on his back. I don't know what happened, but I just checked the tank and he's not there anymore. I'm guessing he passed while I was at school and my mom got him out.
brianriv said:
From what I have read in this forum you should only use medicine on fish if you know exactly what they have since you knew swordtail had ick it was ok but i am thinking maybe he should've been put in another tank to get treated.
Not with ich, the whole tank should always get treated.

I am not sure about that kind of med. Cories are sensitive, did the meds say anything about fish that should not have it used with?

Sorry to hear about your fish.
Before administering any medications, it is wise to check your water quality levels to ensure they are within their acceptable ranges. Remove carbon from filter before use (did that). Add one drop per gallon daily on all fish except those of the Tetra group (I have a 20 gallon aquarium, so taking into consideration the amount of space the gravel, rocks, plants, and fish take up, I added 18 drops).

It goes on with directions for tetra and marine fish. I don't see anything that I could've done wrong. I wasn't having any problems, except for a catfish that died right after purchase, until recently when my swordtail caught ick.
How are your other fish? Keep treating for ich, the cycle lasts 21 days so I try to have meds in the tanks for that amount of time unless I put the heat uop to 85F and then I have meds in for less time.

Do you have other cories? Or any other scaless fish eg. loaches/catfish?
I noticed only 1 catfish in my tank when I looked, so I called my parents. They said that the catfish I couldn't find had died this morning as well. :-( I currently have 6 white clouds, 2 black loaches, and 1 panda catfish in my tank. The white clouds and black loaches have been doing great except for a slight change in color on one of my white clouds a while back.

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