Catfish Death


New Member
Nov 18, 2004
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Hiya, I bought a catfish today and when I looked tonight to see how it was getting on it was dead. I am devastated. Any idea as to what could of happened? I told the guy in the shop what fish were in the tank and he said it was fine and I floated him. :sad:
It could be a variety of reasons. I'd get your water checked for ammonia, nitrate, and pH level. Any one of these being out of whack could have killed him. D:
can you give us a better idea of what kind of catfish he was? they're a pretty large group of fish... it'd also help to tell us what the other fish in the tank are.
It could be a variety of reasons. I'd get your water checked for ammonia, nitrate, and pH level. Any one of these being out of whack could have killed him. D:
I'm not sure what type, he was black and had a white stripe all the way down him though. I have 2 silver sharks, 2 plecs, 3 platys, 5 tetra's, 2 cory's and 1 Angel that is quite big.

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