Registration Q&A #4
Question on 6/29:
I was wondering if someone could advise me as to the cost of the Catfish Convention Field Trips so that I can include it in the money order with the money for our convention tickets. We have already reserved our room at the hotel and are anxious to send in our money before the end of July.
Excellent question!
With the end of July, so ends the special, early-registration discount for the
All-Aquarium Catfish Convention! Now is the time to register!
There will be two Field Trips:
Field Trip One: Collecting Native Fishes
This field trip is an opportunity to collect and observe some of the fishes local to the Central Maryland/Washington, DC metro area. The collection sites are located within ten miles of the convention hotel. Previous collections at these locations have produced tadpole madtoms, rosyside dace, blacknose dace, fantail darters, and tessellated darters. Also observed in these spots are various sucker, sculpin, sunfish and trout species. At least two technical advisors including a representative of the North American Native Fishes Association (NANFA) will be on hand to assist in identification of any specimens collected. This collection trip is under the auspices of a scientific collecting permit obtained for the purpose of observing local aquatic fauna. The leaders of this trip will have final say on permanent removal of any specimens collected. Collection methods include dip nets and seines. Angling is not permitted at these locations.
Trip Cost: $20.00. This fee covers the cost of collection permit, collection equipment and reimburses volunteer drivers to the collection sites. Depart, 9:00am from the convention hotel, October 20, 2006.
Bring cash for lunch at local restaurants. Availability of the field trip will be limited to a manageable group of collectors.
Field Trip Two: Catfishes at the Smithsonian
A motor coach will bring a group of conventioneers to the heart of Washington, DC. The first stop is at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History. Dr. Stanley Weitzman, Curator of Fishes, and Marilyn Weitzman, Research Associate, will accompany the group on a private tour of the Division of Fishes, a research facility inside the museum. The collections, library and research offices are available to the group as well as the opportunity to discuss the science of ichthyology with these renowned scientists. Information about the Division of Fishes can be found at:
The second stop is the Amazonia exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Zoological Park. Staff biologists and keepers will be on hand to discuss the exhibits, the animals on display and the challenges of keeping large-scale aquatic displays. Information about Amazonia can be found at:
Trip Cost: $35.00. This fee covers the cost of the bus rental.
Depart, 9:00am from the convention hotel, October 20, 2006.
Bring cash for lunch at museum cafeterias. Availability is limited.
Chuck, Registration Chair
Catfish Convention 2006