Catfish Compatibility


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
i hav a 20gal and the water is fine etc
In a couple of weeks i want to get some new fish
in it there is
1 sailfin molly
2 pyjama catfish(mystus carcario)*spelling?

will some albino corys be ok or will they fight with my other catfish :unsure:
i dont wanna just risk it...
Mystus carcario? mmmmm ive had very few dealings with mystus itsilver with feint white lines with two black spots one near the head and one near the tail?

Regarding corydoras, they dont fight with anything at all, so they should be fine, but im not at all sure about this mystus, can you rovide any more information perhaps?
The fish in the picture you supplied is Mystus tengara which is a fairly peacefull species which grows to around 8 inches but has the unfortunate habbit of eating smaller tank mates. They should be fine with Corydoras but are not compatable with smaller fish such as tetras and other "fish" shaped fish which are seen as food.
I can vouch for that....several years ago my mother put one of these in her established tank - in the morning her shoal of 6 cardinals were gone - and the cat had a very swollen shiny silver belly :sick: - unfortunately it died later that day. The lfs told her that they don't particularly go for the small fish...they just trawl around the tank at night with their mouths open !!! :hyper:
:fun: In the tank there is mollies,tiny marbled angels and whatever i choosewhen the angels move to my 55 gal!nothing small though....
Judging by the size of the specimins i have seen in my lfs i really dont think you should be keeping it in a 20Gallon tank. Its a bit small really.. So on that front, i really dont think you should be thinking about getting any more bottom dwelling fish.

They grow to about 8" so you should look into investing in a 50Gallon tank so that you can get it some tank mates.


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