Catfish companions


Do ya feel lucky punk?
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 16, 2004
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Hi all,

Can anyone suggest some compatable catfish for my Mbuna tank? I believe Synodontis and Corydoras are good choices but I wondered if anyone has any specific suggestions.

I would like to get 3 or 4 of the same type as i understand they generally prefer to be kept in groups of this size. I currently have 3 Port Hoplo catfish in my community tank and they are wonderful so although i would like something different in the Cichlid tank, I do like catfish of this size (approx 5-6 inches)

Any ideas?
There are 4 Synodontis species native to Lake Tanganyika (the most commonly available being S. multipunctatus) and 1 that is native to Malawi (S. njassae). Any of them would do fine in a Mbuna tank.

You have to be more careful with other selections outside of those. The catfish must tolerate high pH/KH levels well, but more importantly, be very robust in handling abuse from the mbuna. Corys are certainly not that.

I'm sure thecichlidaddict will be along soon to tell you I'm wrong and offer some good suggestions. Hope this helps in the meantime.
Thanks a lot for the info

I have read somewhere that the 'cuckoo' catfish, which is of the synodontis species is perfect for Mbuna, do you know if that is the common name for the multipunctatus you mention?

Thanks again.
Cory's would be a very bad idea.

Synodontis usually work out well, I agree with them. Cuckoo is indeed Multipunctatus, one of the more popular syno's in the hobby and an excellent choice. If you have a smaller aquarium check out Syno. Petricola, they are much smaller, suitable for smaller tanks and easier to keep in higher numbers.
Thanks again for the info and suggestions, much appreciated.
CA is right about the cory's. I've tried twice to have cories in my AC tank they were picked on constantly.

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