catfish breeding

Most Cories do although I don't know about the rest of the bunch. I think some are mouth brooders and others hide them away in caves.
l would suggest that you try Bristle nose catfish first they are very easy and will not eat their own eggs or fry.
Simply place in a standard 2 ft tank, no gravel, one box filter and up turned saucer with one side broken so as to make acave.
Give a water change of about 25% every week and feed lots of pumpkin and flake foods. oh yes l nearly forgot and add two or three Bristle nose catfish, 1m 2f if you like and the rest will happen.
Dad will gaurd the eggs and when the fry hatch and move out leave them with the parents, they need to eat some of the parents excrement to get the barteria going in their gut.
Once the fry have moved out Dad will invite the next ripe female in for night cap :whistle:
Hi cichlid freak :)

Like Teelie, I don't know about the others, but corys definitely stick their eggs on the glass or on plants.

If you tell us what kind of catfish you have in mind, perhaps someone can give you more detailed information. ;)

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