Catfish and poo!


New Member
Mar 4, 2005
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Please could you tell me if catfish eat other fishes poo!

I know it's a strange question, but I have 5 platys, 4 mollies and 5 catfish in a 200 litre tank, and I clean the gravel once a week. But, there never seems to be any fish poo sucked up in the cleaner, so where does it all go?

Any help would be appreciated.
nope - they wont be eating it :sick:

It'll be breaking down as its supposed to be by the good bacteris in the gravel :) - if your cleaning the gravel well - it wont have chance to build up :)
It's funny because i constantly see one of my barbs poo...then it drops a little in the tank and someone else sees it floating down looking an awful lot like food...and they dart to get it and then WHAM they spit it right out....and i always think to myself..."damn a mouthful of poo has gotta suck". :p


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