Caterpillars Living In Tank?


Fish Crazy
Nov 19, 2010
Reaction score
Herts, UK
Hi all.
Just joined up here, Just wondered if anyone can shed any light on these guys living in my tank,
They don't seem to come up for air, And live inside old leafs shells of a Anacharis plant i bought, This is where i'm guessing they came from,
They stick to the sides of the glass and about 1cm in length
Tried googling them, But can't seem to find anything about them at all??
Should i get them out asap?
They are currently in a pleco / catfish mix tank
Any info most appreciated



there is another member on
here who as also got caterpillars
in there tanks as well i am
still wondering what they
are i don't know if anybody
found out what they are
I can't see your pictures at the minute; but what colour are they? I have some "things" in my tank like what you describled; mine are brown, about 1cm in length but really thin...
Aww it's cute..

My guess is that it is likely some form of moth caterpillar, can't see it being a threat to the tank, though your plants may get chewed a bit.

Sorry I can't help you more than that.
Reminds me of caddis fly larvae?

You have any plants from outdoors?
thanx for checking out the weird caterpillars in my tank guys,,

Hokum, don't think its the Caddis Flies, from looking at the web page below, mine seem to have more wispy legs, than stick ones.

Only plants in there at mo are the common Anacharis, nothing outdoor, unless these came from outdoor, as know people use them in coldwater aswel

will remove them anyway this weekend when i give the tank a clean, Not really doing anything,
although would be good to see if they turned into underwater butterflies though lol

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