Catching Fish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Well I've been trying for days to catch my pearl danios and so far have only managed to catch one out of 8. In between attempts I've left the nets in the tank in the hope they'll get use to them but no luck. Has anyone got any tips for catching fish? Tank holds approx 55 gallons so they've got alot or room to escape me.

I find my danio the easiest fish to net. Try using two nets if possible. I find a bigger net works well, I have a large fine brine shrimp net which is really effective. No sudden movements just slow sweeping along the surface works well with my danio
I've been using two nets but they just avoid both of them. It's really starting to stress me out as I've been trying for a week. I need to medicate them and the longer they stay in there the longer they're going without medicine. And the one I have caught is starting to look very lonely by himself.
do you have the option to drain the water lower?
would make it easier to catch for sure.
I have lowered the water level by 20%. Unfortunately I don't have that many buckets so draining the tank much more than I have isn't really an option. They move too fast and I'm sure I'm stressing them out more by trying, I know I'm getting more stressed with it. Also being planted doesn't help. They just hide in the plants.
when I catch my Danio I use a a net and my hand to guide him into it,
how about a plastic bag and a net worked for me,but be warned when taking him out of it as it can close tight.
I tend to hold one net pretty still and use the other net to herd them towards the stationery net then scoop them at the last second with the sationery net. The fish dont seem to have any fear of a net thats not moving. Bigger catching nets and smaller chasing nets can help as well.
Gona try the plastic bag and see how that goes. My fish don't seem to like either net, whether I'm moving it or not. I've managed to catch one more but that still leaves 6 to go.
well I've now resorted to emptying most of the tank. I do have a big green water problem at the moment as well so it should hopefully help with that too. Just gota try catching the last 6.
Just finished catching the last one. I've removed about 75% of the water to do this tho. Must find an easier way for the future but should help my green water problem. Thanx for your advice. i just used my 2 nets in the end. I did put a clear pint glass in which helped me catch a couple as they swam into it and i put a net over then end so they swam back into it.
Yeah, heard them all into a corner, hold your net there and when one swims in the others shoudl too
i would put some food in and when they are going to eat it scoop them from underneath thats how i catch most of my fish its the easyiest way
you could also get a 2 litre bottle of water (with the top 4 inches cut off it) , make it sink and put the fish's favourite food in it,as soon as there in pt the over the top so they cant get out
I had a proper nightmare catching my leopard danio as he was so fast! It took me a few hours but in the end i had to use two nets. The problem i think ws that on my tank i have 2 sliding glass doors that i can open to access the tank, which a re great but it means i can only access one side of the tank at a time, and the danio, bless him, sussed out what i was doing and knew to go over the opposite side from where i was. In the end, i slid bothe doors in to the middle and put a net either side. As the little tyke swam away from the one net, straight into the other! I felt sooooo victorious when i got him! Two nets though is a good way! GRJ :good: :fish:

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