Catching Cherry Shrimps


Fish Fanatic
Aug 6, 2007
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Ok, as i havent yet tried it, i want to know how to go about catching them.

I introduced them into my tank via bottle. Do i net them because there fast little buggers.
I may be planning to sell my tank which currently has 6 neons & 4 danios, and 2 youth guppys. Introduced around 15 cherry baby shrimps and i cant seem to count them now, large and small.

So when it comes to emptying how to i get them? they seem rather frail and do they survive out the water? so they cant just leg it if i eventually get them out?

Any advice be great ta.
Yes, you'll need to net them. They will not be able to survive out of water, and their legs cannot support their weight out of water, so no worries on them walking off. They may jump out of the water, but I've never personally experienced this. Probably the easiest way to net them is to take out all of the decor of your tank, and then try to net them, otherwise they'll just find too many places to hide. If you're serious about selling your tank then you could also lower the water level of the tank, it would be easier to net the shrimp as their isn't as much water to swim around in.

Hope this helps.
ok ta mate, when i get round to it there getting netted.

Ill be putting it all up for sale on here i think, inc shirmps + fish if anyone wanted them & collect or somehow but thats another story. save it for when it comes.

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