Catch that pigeon


Mar 9, 2004
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Walsall, UK
Many times in life I've found a so obviously easier way of doing what I thought was a simple task..... so fishkeeper people, does anyone have any ingenious ways of netting fish?

Here are my problems, netting a fish out the tank usualy means scaring the bjesus out of all your fish so a quick way is prefered. Well setup tanks provide hiding places for fishies, also planted tanks have so many plants that a chasing net can snare...... so in short does anyone have any ingenious ways of catching a fish (no suggestions of using a rod thanks) :D

Look at my sig, I have one lone zebra danios in my 120L. When I was moving the 6 of them over they progressivly got hard and harder to catch till that remaining little bugger is all clued up. As soon as I totally remove the glass cover he is on alert.... as soon as that net has broken the water surface for the first time hes off! hangs out in the plants pulling faces at me.... guess hes also a bit dumb as all I want to do is reunite him with his pals.... made no difference telling him that either.
using a clear plastic fish bag cant hurt! it doesnt damage the fish and as he cant see it coming, he doesnt get so scared
Interesting idea, I just worry it will cause loads of turbulance.... then again if he cant see it coming, that would really help as those danios are damn fast.
Sometimes i use the bait and scoop method for those fast little buggers. I put some food in the tank (zebras are like all fish, Pigs at heart) and be ready with a large net and as the fish approaches the food scoop it. Works... most of the time :p
Tropjunky said:
let them get used to the net. get it in there b4 feeding and they will soon learn to acociate it with food like dogs or cat and then go for the kill.
Considering the numbers who have read this I'm suprised there are so few answers :p

Now that idea above seems smart.... use their intelligence against them, I like it :D
I've been waiting to see some more answers, too. I like the bait and scoop idea. I was going to try that, but didn't want them to be afraid at feeding time. (Might get them to quit begging, tho! :) )

I've gotta catch my plec soon, he'll be moving into the bigger tank. Don't know how I'm going to do that! My lfs guy said to try the plastic bag trick.

Good luck!
use the plastic bag and the net together. try to guide the fish into the bag with the net. it works sometimes :/
I use two nets, if possible, and lots of swear words. :p There's just no graceful way to catch some (read: most) fish, I think the two-net approach works best in most regards, but it's not easy either. Catching fish is, to me, just an all-around unpleasant experience, but one you must endure when called for. You kind of have to have the attitude that "Fish, you are in a confined space with no way to escape. It might take a while, but I will catch you." Sad but true. :lol:

I've seen people working at the local chain stores have MUCH difficulty catching some fish, and presumably they have lots of practice. :dunno: A couple months ago, I wanted one single yo-yo loach to add to my shoal, and the guy tried for so long to catch it and couldn't, it was ridiculous. I almost told him discreetly to nevermind, just to save him further embarrassment. Granted, they are hard to catch, but I felt bad for the guy.

I personally wouldn't use a net to catch a pleco, especially a large one. They get so spiny that if they struggle they can get caught in it. I would use a plastic bag or a cloth that has never had soap.
I don't really have that problem because my mollies are so curious that they go in the net on their own lmao. :lol:

When I had to catch my danios I did the feeding thing and that didn't work so instead of zooming my hand all over the tank like a retard (like I usually do) I just sat with the net in the water until the zebra came by and swooped it up. But it took like ten minutes lol.
those fish are inquisitive, I may just leave a net in the water all day.... then drop a pinch of food in and see if my elusive danios comes over...... ta all.

Failing that I'll get a stun gun! ...... JOKING! :p
I was dreading catching my plec to move it to a bigger tank (set up especially for it) as it is about 8" long. Ha! It's home was a plastic pipe, all I did was fill a plastic bag with water, ready to catch it, lifted the pipe, with plec inside, put it in bag, moved over to it's new tank, put pipe in new tank, 3 hours later it came out of pipe and seemed none the wiser that it was in a new tank!!!!!!
All my worrying for nothing!!! It had taken me 4 days to pluck up the courage to move it!
I use my Brother.

Whenever i try and catch my malawis, i can never do it, i get so stressed after awhile that i just end up calling on my bro, he can do it straight away, no fuss (how does he do it?) :S

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