Catastrophic Tank Failure - Is It Common?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
Kenilworth, UK
I was away on business for 10 days and one of my tanks sprung a huge leak overnight while I was away. All fish dead and flooded living room. My poor better half had to clean up and was quite traumatised.

Is this common? Is there a possible cause? Everything was fine when I left, but the leak was so bad the whole tank emptied in a matter of hours. It wasn't a trickle. The leak was at one of the bottom corners.

The tank was a rectangular glass 100 litre with a floating base. I am thinking if possible to replace it with some kind of one piece acrylic one without joints (do such things exist?) I am not sure a new glass one would go down well with the household.
You can get acrylic tanks they are very light and very expensive they also will scratch very easy.

what make was tank some have lifetime guarantee if your meet their T&C
Be greatful is was only 100 litres :\ some of the tanks people have on here could drown everyone in their house if they went bang in the night! :>

Sorry to hear about the poor fishies. Im sure it happens from time to time.
yes, i have a 10 litre nano acrillyc with seamless joints but i dont know about bigger tanks.

I am so sorry for your loss
You can get acrylic tanks they are very light and very expensive they also will scratch very easy.

what make was tank some have lifetime guarantee if your meet their T&C

The tank was a Rena. They don't do tanks any more. I inherited the tank off my dad, but it wasn't that old AFAIK.

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