Catastrophe Averted!


Mar 13, 2007
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Well, I came home from school today, and my cat was trying to EAT MY BUDGIE!!! Well, trying to get to him at least. I've never been so scared or angry in my entire life. Needless to say, Tiger isn't allowed in the house anymore, and my budgie is still freaking out! He has been moved into the foyer for an indefinite period of time, and my budgie is in the same place, and I've moved my Lab, Major inside (after a good bath) and Tiger doesn't like to come in anymore. ^_^!
Why do you need to ban your cat outside? Why not just ban it from the budgie room? While that sucks, it's a cat's nature to attack birds.
i'm betting that the cat was shoving his arm through the bars to swat at the poor bird. sounds like something mine would do :rolleyes:

is this the same cat that ate your lizard while unsupervised for 5 minutes? :/ you may just have to give up on getting any more bite-sized pets until you move out.

(also, i would say "poor cat" necessarily. as much as i advocate indoor-only cats, it's also my impression that indoor-outdoor cats don't mind it too much if you start curtailing their indoor time. given how active this one is as a predator, unless the Dude lives in one of Tennessee's urban centers, I bet the cat will have plenty of fun things to do outside.)
Well, he's the same cat that's eaten a leopard gecko, quite a few goldfish (before I got into tropicals) and also attempted my budgie's life, What would you do. I embrace the three strikes you're out rule.
its a cat, nature is calling keep the cat inside as he did nothing wrong IMO and put the bird in ur bedroom or office and keep the door shut problem solved and everyone is happy
You do know that cats have moisture on their paws and all over their body which is fatal to budgies? One swipe = death.

LOL Since when? I have NEVER heard that.

What kind of cage is your bird in that the cat can even stick its paw through the bars??
You do know that cats have moisture on their paws and all over their body which is fatal to budgies? One swipe = death.

first time ive heard of it, dont think thats true, someone was pulling your leg.

back to the budgie and cat, if its anyones fault its you (the owner) if your not responsible to care for these animals don't buy them.
How would the cat know not to attack the budgie anyway?, and banishing the cat outside is UNFAIR! :angry:
Well, he's the same cat that's eaten a leopard gecko, quite a few goldfish (before I got into tropicals) and also attempted my budgie's life, What would you do. I embrace the three strikes you're out rule.

the cats a born predator, you can't punish him for what he's born to do: hunt.

i would be upset if Jinks killed one of my turtles, i wouldn't ban him from the house especially since he's an inside cat
Cat's are very smart animals. If I were you I might cncider buying a more sucure cage. One that couldn't easitly be opened with a paw or one with smaller spaces between the bars. I had to concider this too when I decided to bring my rabbit inside. you might also, as sugesed above, want to colse the dore that the budgie is in.
I know how you feel by the way. My cat almost scrached a kid's eye out once and I serieously considered giving him away, but then I looked at what happened from his piont of veiw. I hope everything goes well. I'm sorry about what happened, or almost happened!
you may just have to give up on getting any more bite-sized pets until you move out.

^ This was funny. Bite-sized pets :lol:

Yeah stick the budgie in your bedroom and close the door, let the cat in the upstairs and put a babygate across the stairs to keep Major in downstairs too. They all need your love and company. C'mon, it's Christmas :) With the animal mix you have there and you have to expect some untoward events, you just have to stay attentive and keep them separated.

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