Cat Pee

I'd be doing something about that cat.

Did alot of it's pee leak into the tank, aalso how big of a tank is it.
Please change that signatue, not everybody hates oscars, and even if it's your opinion I'm certain it will raise concerns here... (if nobody understands that then just highlight his signature.... You'll see "I hate"
Though I find it very strange that a cat peed in your tank, I believe the obvious answer is to do a pretty decent water change, and everything should be just fine. Keep us updated.

God Bless,
I would of pasted the cat what and then sued your neighbours for loss of fish

On a lighter note thats the funniest thing ive ever heard

Ps i like cats and wouldnt really beat it, however i would tell the neighbours what happened and try and get cash out of them
May I ask how the cat got into your house? I mean, we have a lot of farm cats around the area I'm currently lived in, but no stray cat has ever gotten into my house.

God Bless,
Bwahahahaha!!! Wicked :p Go cats!

Sorry, yeh, water change.
Either that cat is ludicrously dexterous, orrrrr, more likely, it had it in for your fish :lol:
Water change :D
Odd, most cats are some what wary of strangers. Can't imagine one breaking into someone's house to take a leak, though this cat may be the exception.

Shouldn't be too bad, just do water changes and watch that ammonia.
haha first off how does a cat just get into ur house? i mean do u not have screens on the windows, and do u not keep ur doors closed

im sorry guys im callin the bull#### card on this one

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