Cat Or Dog Person?


i need to stop buying plants....
Sep 26, 2011
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are you a cat or dog person?
I'm a dog person, although I do like cats as well, but not as much as dogs. :good:
same here =] dogs get down a dirty like really stuck into stuff and cats seem abit stuck up to me tbh
Yeah, I know what you mean. Cats always seem to think they're more important than you lol.
Cats... currently have three adopted from Lincoln Cat Care, and along with the swimmers they are my pride and joy.

Also kept dogs over the years, but find Cats cleaner, cuddlier, and smaller, if not always as loyal :/
cats i love them! love dogs to but just like cats more, there great very characteristic. Heres one of mine hes hugeee but cant really tell by the pic :(

iv got 2 dogs i used to have a cat but it died i like cats but i pefeer dogs defo altho they can be annoying at times
Dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog defo dog, cant stand cats, sorry I'm allergic lol.
I vote Dogs,

I also like Cats but could not have one as a pet. I would allways be worried when it was out of the house, and I dont think it is fair to keep a Cat in the house all its life.
i would love a dog but im at work 10hrs aday and 17hrs twice a week duo to having a second josb to make ends meet, ive had a cat before
and he was great but when we move i could not keep him in the flat, good news though i friend at work has him and shows me photos every week
i no he is being looked after very well....
Both :) I have one of each in the room with me now, so I can't take sides or one will get jealous, heh ;)
I'm a cat person. This is my fat ol kitty and boy is he a lover. I never had a dog that would cuddle me like this cat does!

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