Cat Magic Trick

How do cats do it! I don't see a dog climbing completely in a bowl for a
thats just odd, how the hell it gets in and out of that bottle :)
cool video.
My cat used to do that with Fluted vases to drink the water, hence we stopped keeping the vases.
The bottle one was the coolest as it was actually real. The bowl one is good, but obviously a cleaver bit of video editing used.
ive seen that one too lilfishie and its really funny. i think the most realistic is the one saying mama. i wish my cats could do that
How did you find those?

just type "cats funny video" in a search engine, you'll probably get you tube, bore me, aol video etc. i must say i do prefer boreme to you tube - they tend to have more funny vid.

i love thee one with the bottle. is a bit like a reverse of me trying to squeeze into a diving suit :crazy:

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