Cat Fish Catastrofy


Jun 5, 2004
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Kenosha, Wisconsin
Ok im not sure if ottos are catfish or not but iv been told they are. Knowing this i should of anticipated that they wouldn't like salt. i bought 2 youg ottos on friday, they were about an inch long and were in my fry tank with my guppy fry. Previous to buying them i had done water changes on my tank and after doing so i added a chemical to remove iron and make water safe for fish and i added a tablespoon of salt. ( This is a 1g tank ) After adding the pair and watching them i noticed they lacked the activeness that i had seen in previous ottos i had owned. i thoght nothing of it and waited over night hopeing it was just stress from being moved. The next day they looked much the same, still kinda sickly, so i added melafix, i tryed to get it presise but i probavly over did it a bit, about an hour later i came back and found them dead :X i quickly removed them and did a 50% water change thinking i did over medicate the tank. all guppy fry are alive and well and throgh the whole thing non looked ill. im thinking it was the salt with the combination of the strong melafix dose but im not surtain. ( i also added about a week before sum alge killer, it was just a lil bit and the alge didn't die so thats wen i got the ottos ) but between the time i added the alge killer and i added the ottos i had done like 2 50% water changes. do u think this coulda done it? i hope sumone can help me before i make the mistake again.

And also i bought a new albino cory, he is reletively the same size of my common cory and they pal around, but my pepermont cory seems to be getting left out. wats the deal? he is a bit smaller that the other 2 but other than that i c no other reason for it. do u guys have any ideas?
Yep, ottos are catfish. in fact they are small plecs and like all plecs they're very intolerant of salt :X sorry you had to fins out the hard way :( they shouldnt really be in a 1g tank either because they're so sensitive to water quality, and a small volume of water isnt as stable. also tehy were probably in a mix of salt, melafix and algae killer, and mixing chemicals can sometimes have bad results :X

cories like to shoal with cother cories of the same species, ideally. do you have sufficient room to add more fish? if so, I'd recommend getting some more peppermint cories to befriend your current one :)
thnx for replying, iv had ottos b4 and they had always been pretty hardy, this is the first time iv had trouble. this is also the first time iv kept them in a 1g. my plans were to leave em in there for about a week until most of the alge was eaten then i wuld add em to my 10g. i don't beleive the alge killer could of sone it because of the frequent water changes but i guess it could be possibel. i had no idea they were that sensitive or i woulda just done a water change. i think this is the first time in a long time that iv screwed up rely bad :sad:

as for the corys, i may get more sumday but right now iv got 3 and a pleco in there with my 2 guppys and its all in a 10g, so i dont think im gunna b adding anymore. ill c if i can find a pic of my cory for ya because im not positive its a peppermint, i was just told it could be wen i described him once.

thanx a bunch, muchly appriciated :D
this is close to the coloration on my outcast cory, hes much smaller than the one in the pic and not quite as dark, can someone identify him?


o and also very sry for the post of this thread twice, it was very late wen i did this -_-
That's a very pretty cory :wub:

I looked up peppermint cory but couldn't find anything - maybe he is a peppered cory? Although he doesn't quite look like the ones I've seen. The one in the pic you showed is corydoras barbatus.

There is a page with pictures of all the corydoras species
here - have a look at C. Paleatus and C. Barbatus and see if yours looks similar. :)
That's Corydoras Diphyes. However it looks very like corydoras paleatus (peppered) which are much more commonly sold, so I dunno. :dunno:

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