Cat Addicted To Playing Fetch


New Member
Aug 22, 2008
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Wiltshire, UK
My 2 domestic short hair cats are sisters, aged 20 months. Isabel adores playing fetch ever since she was a kitten, Blubell used to play when she was a tiny kitten too but has since grown out of such things! Izzy gets SOO excited at the thought of a fetch game and will often (at least twice a day) bring you a toy, drop it at your feet, meow andwait until you join in. If there are more people in the room then everyone gets a turn at throwing the 'retreived' object. I think they are both fabulous and love them to bits, and I adore Izzy's fetch games.

Does anyone else have a cat addicted to fetch? :D

She sounds more like a dog than a cat lol.

Kitty my cat loves grooming me and hubby. she even cleans hubby hair lol.
Awww that sounds so familiar! My friend has three lovely cats... one of which is a young black cat called 'Stewy' who also loves to play fetch. He particularly favours an orange fabric mouse, but other mice/toys will do! It's adorable for the first 10 minutes, but once you get fed up and stop playing the game he gets rather 'insistant' and might poke a claw or three into your knee to get your focus back in the game! He makes the cutest little noise when he brings the mouse back and asks you to throw it again. It's a noise that's totally specific to the game he's playing, at least I've never heard him make that noise any other time. Sometimes when I'm on the phone to my friend I can hear him asking her to throw the mouse in the background. :wub: :wub: :wub:

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