Case of the missing angel fish


Fish Addict
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi everyone! I've got a very weird case on my hands. I have two small marble angel fish (about the size of a quarter right now) in my tank with 5 platies, 4 mollies and 10 cardinal tetras. This morning when I left for work they were both there. When I got home there was just one. I have searched everywhere and basically ripped apart the plants and decorations. He just disappeared!! Has anyone ever experienced this with angels before? I've never seen them hide before and there's really no other place he could be. Even checked to make sure he didn't jump!

Any suggestions????

That is strange! Sorry I've never had Angelfish, so I dont know alot about them...but I had this happen with a Mickey Mouse plattie...I never found her either :-(

Sorry I couldnt help you :/
My angels never jumped. My jumpers were swordtails and silver hatchets.

Got any dogs or cats? :dunno:

My dog loves live fish.
Ok... day 2 and still missing. :( I just can't believe that he jumped.. don't think he had the ability to jump and the lid is always on anyways..... I don't have any dogs, cats or kids.... so the only remaining possibility is that he was eaten :sick:

But by who??? Mollies, platies, the other angel? Maybe it was 'the Posse' - my cardinals! Could any of these really have done it??

I'll keep you updated!

Have you checked in/around the filter. I know one of gixer's angels went missing for days once, only to be found in/around the filter (can't remember where). The fish was hungry but fine, I'd check there.
one of my angels hides, he is the youngest i think, and he is very very good at it. he is finally getting to the point where even if i don't see him, he will see me and come out :wub: . his favorite place is actually in the java fern. it is very bushy and i can never find him, but he just comes swimming out. i didn't see him at all for about a week, i thought he had been eaten.

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