Carpet Surfing.


Feb 3, 2007
Reaction score
Up-State New York
Well sadly my newly bought exquisite wrasse went carpet surfing while I was at work today :sad: :sad: :sad:
Loved that fish.

I had my entire tank covered with eggcrate, not even a small section wasn't covered. He was too large to fit through the holes so I'm really at a loss as to how he got out.. Prior I had my tank uncovered for months but added the top on to prevent this. Ugh. Just venting :(
My algae blenny went yesterday aswell, not a rare or pricey fish but it was with me from the start and was a great fish.
Stupid jumping fish
Meh sucks when that happens made sure I had glass covers on this one :(
Nope no heat issues I have a bank of azoos on my sump controlled by my TC-10 but will be watching this weekend
aww that sucks, i have yet to have a surfer and i hope it stays that way

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