Carpet Annome


New Member
Aug 19, 2006
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western australia
i have paired perculas and i purchased a carpet annome, i was wondering if anyone knows a way to get the clowns into the annome, they just swim past it as if its not there. they clowns are wild caught and a carpet is what they usually live in the wild
There is no way you can "make" a fish do anything.

By the way, that's one hell of a bioload you have on your 180 litre... and you've added a Carpet Anemone and a pair of Perculas? The anemone will most surely die, that is if it even exists.....

....everyone else know what I'm getting at? :shifty: :sly:

i have paired perculas and i purchased a carpet annome, i was wondering if anyone knows a way to get the clowns into the annome, they just swim past it as if its not there. they clowns are wild caught and a carpet is what they usually live in the wild

You can't make them, they might never bother with it.
There is no way you can "make" a fish do anything.

By the way, that's one hell of a bioload you have on your 180 litre... and you've added a Carpet Anemone and a pair of Perculas? The anemone will most surely die, that is if it even exists.....

....everyone else know what I'm getting at? :shifty: :sly:

i dont have those anymore, i was talking about my reef tank i havn't updated my profile, in my reef i have-paired perculas, blue tang, 6x grren chromis, bar goby, bi-color blenny, bicolor angel, carpet annome and a few corals i am also going to add a pair of mandarin goby's and a golden face goby
Why do you have two threads pertaining to the exact same question made within an hour of eachother?:huh:
cause i wasnt getting answers and i needed them and there was a thread inbetween mine which was getting replies so i posted it again with a different title and hope people would want to look at it
Patience is what you need

Both with your clowns & getting your questions answered

Carpet Nems & Percs are compatable as far as hosting goes but the clowns may simply not want to host there, it is ultimatly there decision

Give it time
Patience is what you need

Both with your clowns & getting your questions answered

Carpet Nems & Percs are compatable as far as hosting goes but the clowns may simply not want to host there, it is ultimatly there decision

Give it time

Hey Chac, I guess ur unaware but the OP (Marky Mark), has been banned from the forum for innappropriate conduct... I suggest this post be deleted seeing as the OP is no longer around...
Yeah I received a PM from Maiden earlier telling me about him
Cheers :good:

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