I have a haddoni carpet anemone. Purchased it bout two months ago from local shop. When he was purchased, I only had regular flourscent lights that come standard with tank. The anemone didn't have much color when i bought it, probably tan, with a yellow mouth. THe anemone remained in the regular light for 1.5 months, before i upgraded to compact flouscent lights. Now the anemone is yellowish green so I guess that means its zooxanthellae is coming back, right? I ask because now i have the brighter lights, the anemone hands its mouth open and sinks into its hole all day, but when just moon lights are on, it comes out and opens really nice. THe tank i bought it from also had poor lighting. It the anemone just not adjusting to the bright lighting? Everything i read suggests that it needs good lighting, but what i see is another story. All specs on tank are fine. I don't feed the anemone though, tried many different things, all with no success. Please help clue me in.