Caribsea Instant Aquarium Vs. Super Natural


Nov 9, 2010
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Well, after rinsing off 400 metric tons of play sand, I've finally just decided that I cannot get over the fact of how terribly dark it is and I'm just not in love with it.

That said, I'm going to the dark side perhaps and looking at some stuff from CaribSea. The money isn't a big issue in a 36 Gallon tank, so if I have to spend an extra $30-$40 to make my aquarium look exactly how I want, then that is what I intend to do.

That said, does anyone really buy / believe the hype about this instant aquarium stuff? I don't see how packaged sand could hold a bacteria population for an extended period, or how it could also work to reduce ammonia, nitrites, etc.

Anyone know the science behind it or have a good link?
i don't know anything about the sand you're talking about, but i have pool filter sand (silica sand) in my tank, and it's quite light. there's a picture in my sig.
Can't say i really believe the hype but then i have a tendency to doubt this sort of thing. Plus it says to add a couple of fish after 24hrs and then increase your stocking a week later. Which to me sounds very similar to just fish in cycling.

You can just buy the sand without the instant aquarium bit which is a bit cheaper. If you do decide to go for the instant aquarium stuff you could always then do a fishless cycle with it and report back how you got on. I'm sure a lot of people would be interested.

Personally my problem with this is similar to my problem with instant bacteria bottles. How do the bacteria survive without air or food for an unknown period of time in these solutions.

Also I would love to see the science behind there claim that this substrate reduces nitrate levels.
Not only would I doubt any of these claims would mean anything but since they also make a lot of crushed coral products I'd want to be sure I wasn't buying something that could skyrocket my dissolved solids. I don't know all their products to give you much solid information but that would just be a concern I'd want to clarify.

Alright, I have the 411 now after doing a lot of digging today.

The Instant Aquarium variety is actually packed wet and shipped with a small amount of water with 'beneficial bacteria' living within, and as far as the other claims, it includes packets of dechlor and also of water purifier to help with clarity.

The Super Naturals series is the same sand, except not packed wet with water and the other stuff.

I was going to order some, but then I showed my wife the cost w/ shipping as I called every aquatic shop within 30 miles and none had it. After she saw the bill, she agreed that our play sand I spent forever on looks pretty similar :)

I actually took others advice and brought the play sand back out today and rinsed it in smaller portions and threw it back in the tub I've been keeping it in. I got to the point where it pretty much ran clear after I swirled my arm in there to send the whole mess of sand in a whirlpool and then dumped it.

My live plants are scheduled to arrive Friday or Saturday, so this weekend will be quite busy with rehoming 20 fish to a temporary tub with filter and heater, removing all the gravel, putting in the sand, planting the crap tons of plants I ordered, and then rehoming the fish BACK to my original tank. Oh and using the gravel to put in a 10g setup I bought to use as a QT tank and rehoming a Betta in there. I think I'll be busy!

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