Care For Tank Whilst On Holiday


Fish Crazy
May 26, 2009
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What do people do about supplements when they go on holiday? I am due to go away for 2 weeks in 2 weeks time.

I have been monitoring my levels carefully and I am adding supplements for calcium,magnessium and strontium daily to keep levels even.

A neighbour is going to feed the fish daily but knows nothing about marine fish.

I was thinking of making up the food and supplements and putting them in containers for him to add daily.

Do people think this would be a good idea? Would it be better to set up a calcium reactor? What do you do when you go away?

Any advice would be very welcome

I wouldnt start messing around with a calcium reactor so close to your holiday, I would give your neighbour a crash course in adding the additives either as you do them now or can you freeze the required amount into managable blocks so all your friend has to do is defrost the liquid and add to the tank.

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